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Sep/2023 - today Researcher in Computer Science at ENSTA Campus Brest / Lab-STICC (AI & Océans division) in the ROBEX team Brest, France

• • Employment Situation • •

Oct/2021 - Aug/2023 Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the French Naval Academy (École navale) - Naval Academy Research Institute (IRENav) in the Maritime Information Modeling and Processing Group (MoTIM) Brest, France
Oct/2020 - Sep/2021 Postdoctoral position at ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab in the Department of Information Processing and Systems - DTIS / SEAS Toulouse, France
Oct/2019 - Sep/2020 Postdoctoral position at the University of Montpellier conducing my activities at the LIRMM in the EXPLORE research group Montpellier, France
Sep/2018 - Aug/2019 Temporary Research and Teaching position (ATER) at the Aix-Marseille University in the Faculty of Sciences teaching (B.S.) Computer Science Marseille, France

• • Educational Background • •

Oct/2015 - Dec/2018
(viva: Dec/12/2018)
🏛 Aix-Marseille University and
Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes (LIS)
🎓 PhD in Computer Science

Title of the Thesis:
Modeling of Resilient Systems in Non-monotonic Logic.
Application to Solar Power UAV.
[📕, 🗣]

Pierre Siegel (Advisor),  Andrei Doncescu (co-Advisor),  Lakhdar Saïs (President and Reviewer),  Yves LacroixAmal El Fallah SeghrouchniVincent RischJacques Demongeot (Reviewer).
Marseille, France

Sep/2015 🏛 INP - ENSEEIHT
🎓 (M.Sc.) Electrical and Automatic Eng.
Option: Control, Decision and Computing of Critical Systems (M2R)

Title of the Thesis:
Design of a versatile electronic demonstrator for the measurement of displacements by optical feedback in a laser diode, including control of the emitted beam. [📕, 🗣]
Toulouse, France

Aug/2012 🏛 Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
🎓 (B.S.) Electronics Engineer
Option: Automation and Control
Ensenada, Mexico

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